In a message dated 2/6/03 11:36:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>  A whole set of 6 dozen or so souvenir postcards of various lynchings is 
>  online at
>  Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson
Keith says; This lynching was a despicable hate crime, gleefully committed. I 
am glad it was grimly and graphically documented. Anyone looking at it on 
display should suffer; and learn. But all in fair measure in viewing this 
terribly unfair act.

 Should a vast number of our Minn. youth be required by their school boards 
curriculum to visit Mpls.and see this exhibit? I say yes. Can both the 
curator/presenter of this exhibit, Leola Seals, and the Hennepin County host, 
Mike Opat, learn from their apparent clash? Can they use their energy, thus 
generated, to maximize the learning experience for our State's youths, and 
adults? I believe they can.

For Leola Seals, I say that yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. And 
your thousand-and-one efforts to assemble this gem, and bring this exhibit 
forward, is beyond simple commendation. I salute you. I only ask, would 
making this picture the same size as all others; and an additional thousand 
words teach even more lessons? Especially if some reluctant readers were 
willing to read the thousand words after viewing the picture?

For Mike Opat, I say that yes, the nuts and bolts job of managing the 
Government Center must seem more, or less, thankless, on any given day. Yet 
you still show up and take responsibility, and make decisions, most every 
day. I believe you helped facilitate the exhibition. I believe you were then 
moved, after hearing, and feeling, the concerns of others, to quickly respond 
and take reasonable mitigating action. Perhaps you then expected to amicably, 
and positively, facilitate modest adjustment of the exhibit; to teach a 
little more, and shock a little less.

I humbly offer that I know and respect both of you. I know of excellent work 
done by each of you for the common good. I anticipate that two sincere 
individuals will reach an accord, for the sake of the common good, and this 
wonderful, vital exhibit. I know they can; I hope they will.

Keith Reitman  NearNorth

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