Greeting's List, and Happy Saturday!

(Comment: Not all rental property owners do this, but there are a few that do. This post is about the ones that are to cheap to handle their own trash and leftover furniture, or kitchen appliances removal.)

I'd like to know, is there a law or city ordinance against dumping your waste onto someone else's property? Here lately more so in the 5th ward, landlord owners have continue to dump rubbish from their rental units onto someone else's property.

In one weeks time a renter told me about three drop offs' that she has seen, and plenty more is delivered when she was not watching.She tells me this is becoming the norm. One was asked what he was doing, leaving trash and furniture in the back of these homes. He said they were dropping of some stuff that needed to be pick up by the city. Not only at this particular house, but the one behind her, on the side of her, and down the alley from her. When she kindly ask them to remove their rubbish, they became completely upset and asked her why.

Does anyone on the list or lurking about have an ideal of where one could report such blatant disrespect and obviously to cheap to haul away their own junk. Please e-mail me.


Vanessa Freeman

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