Myself and my partner also participated, marched in today's anti-war rally... it brought tears to our eyes.
    As our "empire" continues to destroy human life and quality of life abroad... so it also grinds down so many here at home...
      if you have a home that is
     I would ask that those who participated in this march today would remember to join with others struggling against the War At Home..
     Even if Bush Jr. were to call off his dogs today ... there is much to be done..
     My hope is that all those folks who marched today join in demanding decent housing and a guaranteed income for all in this country and decent and affordable health care.
     Many organizations were handing out fliers asking for support of upcoming events:
     Here in Mpls. there will be another campout on March 15th starting at 3p.m.. on the South Lawn of the Government Center in Downtown Minneapolis to demand decent housing and a moratorium on the no camping laws that criminalize people forced into the streets due to lack of even basic shelter.
      I would mention other events but they are not within the realm of Mpls. Issues for this forum.
      Margaret Hastings-Kingfield-Mpls.

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