In a message dated 3/1/03 3:52:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

>  Vicky notes:
>  If elected officials give in to public pressure, they would be followers,
>  not leaders.
>  True leaders change public opinion.
>  Vicky Heller
>  Cedar-Riverside and North Oaks
Keith says; What if  "public pressure" toward a particular civic goal needs 
no change? What if a particular "public opinion" simply needs proper 
championing by a leader? The neighborhoods are learning that they have no 
champion of their interests, in RT. The small scale, for profit, providers of 
affordable housing (us landlords) learned about RT's retreat from his 
inclusive rhetoric a year ago, already. He turned a blind eye, deaf ear, and 
his backside, toward our modest public opinions, and proposals.

Keith Reitman  NearNorth

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