Perhaps you should get your information correct before you start
making unfounded accusations about schools and teachers.

First, the district, in anticipation of walkouts and protests, sent 
specific guidelines to ALL schools and teachers. These guidelines
specifically laid out what could and could not be done in the event
of a student walkout.

The teachers could say NO but they can NOT restrain students if they
do walk out of the classroom.

Students, upon THEIR request, were given the opportunity to form a 
protest during their half hour lunch time. Many anticipated this, due
to OTHER PARENTS AND SCHOOL activities which they learned about from
older siblings and friends. Therefore, some had their own signs and
participated. Others, as is always true with a protest or walkout,
participated because it looked like "fun".

Regardless, this WAS IN NO WAY planned nor was assistance provided by
teachers or school officials. The only participation by the adults
was to observe and provide a safety net in case of harassment or
incident outside the ability of the students to handle. And this was
only as long as they remained on school property!

Second, I happened to be at the school right after students dispersed
for the day. I found teachers greatly distressed that their students
did walk out and they felt powerless to prevent them. Again, physical
restraint is NOT nor should it be condoned in today's schools. There
was an officer present had such restraint been necessary.

Many teachers encouraged their students to remain in the classroom
and a number of them took the time to allow students to talk about
their feelings about the war as part of the class curriculum. Others
have encouraged students to write how they felt - and those who
participated in the walkout may face similar requirements. Some who
did not return in the time allotted will also receive no credit for
missed classwork.

All students who exceeded the lunch time allotment, will have at
least one half day of unexcused absence on their records - officially
as this information will be sent to the District. This is per
District guidelines. 

Students who left the school grounds will have additional actions
taken as they are considered truant. Although warned, some still left
the grounds and  returned only to board buses for home.

Finally, perhaps your children are too young, too old, or simply
don't care, but I can tell you there are many, many students at the
middle school level who have very strong feelings about the war. I
certainly remember the air raid drills we had and I had no
information to form an opinion since details weren't broadcast into
my home for breakfast and dinner every day. Today's children have
opinions and they have the guts - and the right - to be 
heard in a way I never did.

Did I support my child's participation in the protest? First, I
didn't know about it until afterwards. By then, I had heard the
comments from teachers, the principal and other parents. Regardless
of my feelings, I was proud that my son decided for himself how he
felt about the war and participated because HE wanted to . . . it had
absolutely nothing to do with my feelings nor with the teachers.

Just because you are an adult, it doesn't mean your intellectual and 
moral judgements are right or supported. I hope my child always keeps
the right and the wisdom to determine what he feels about an issue
and I certainly hope he always has the right and opportunity to
PEACEFULLY show others his perspective.

Thank you Field School and the Minneapolis District for preparing our
teachers to deal with the anticipated walkouts in an intelligent and
non-combative manner while giving students the freedom to make their 
choice on how to show their feelings about war.

Kathy Hacmac
PTA Chair, Field School and active parent

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