The irony is that the real economies of scale don't happen at
store level, they happen at the wholesale purchasing level. That
is what Wal-Mart has accomplished. It has total control of the
purchasing for thousands of stores.  Consequently, it pays its
suppliers only a very razor-thin profit, reserving more for
itself.  It is an illusion that it is accepting a razor thin
profit when it sells.

The same economies redound to companies like Super Value that
sell to many, many stores, only a few of which it actually owns.
So, the big box has no inherent advantage over the little one.

By the way, the repeated charge that prices in Minneapolis co-ops
place them beyond the reach of normal incomes is only made by
people who don't have a lot of experience buying at co-ops.  As a
frequently unemployed person, my income has seldom risen above
normal, and yet I've afforded co-op food the whole time they've
existed in Minneapolis.  So people shouldn't think they are able
with unsupported charges to pull the wool over my eyes.  And I'm
sure there are at least a few others who can see through these

The one really bad part of the big box chains is that they
constantly pull less-profitable stuff off their shelves to
replace them with other things that generate more margin. That is
why you so often cannot find what you used to buy at the five and
dime, which attempted to have things in stock which people were
looking for.  At the big box, you constantly settle.  A lot of us
go to independent hardware stores for that reason. They are the
ones still carrying the useful, if oddball, items.  Oh, and the
old-fashioned drugstores.  Long may they live.
"Am I in favor of social coercion such as used in Saudi Arabia
and Singapore?
Being an anarchist or Jeffersonian Democrat at heart, absolutely

Which makes that argument a red herring.  A method which is out
of bounds is not a serious thing to talk about.  Plus, until you
really understand the culture of  Singapore, you can't even say
with any certainty that that was the CAUSE of the desired result.
What we need is some proof that any method in the scale between
where we are and some people's desired result will be any better
than what we have now.  I'm pretty sure the southern states are
more brutal than we are.  Have THEY totally eliminated the
targeted street vices?  The question I have is why these are the
ONLY options being considered. Is it old-fashioned prudery?  Is
it Drug War brainwashing?  I don't think Jeffersonian Democrats
traditionally let government programs limit the options they'd
I'm not "afraid" of having the street vice move to my
neighborhood. I just think it is incontestably STUPID to spend
MONEY in a time of AUSTERITY for something like that. One of the
real attractions of Minnesota for me over the last 35 years has
been my perception that it is cultural here to use your mind, not
your emotions, to choose solutions. This hunger for coercion is
not an example of that.  It is people letting their gut make
their choices.  I think Minnesota would do well to steer away
from that if they don't want to become more culturally similar to
those states in the southern tier that never solve any problem.
Look at the Middle East.  Look at Northern Ireland. Those areas,
too, like solutions that give a temporary sense of emotional
release. I say if that is what you need, punch a bag or
something. But when you're deciding things like use of coercion,
do NOT consult the primitive areas of your brain.  It wants to
rule you, but we didn't become humans by doing that.  Homo
sapiens differs from "lower species" by having the ABILITY to use
our enlarged brain to think beyond our emotions.  So we are
misusing our human abilities with suggestions to experience
revenge and excite fear in others.  Mark my words, the more you
do that, the more you are a fit subject of a tyrannical state.

Jim Mork
Cooper Neighborhood
Longfellow Community
In The Great and Wonderful City I Call Home, Minneapolis

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