In a message dated 6/27/03 8:31:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Keith, I gotta say I love "urban avoidance
>  ramps". It was inspired.
>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>  Don: What POSSIBLE constituency is Pawlenty
>  playing to by severe cuts to battered women's
>  shelters?  Is he now courting batterers?
>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Keith says; I laugh too; as you writers (long and short) know,  "The Muse is 
the source of amusing discourse" (I just made that up for you). 

I believe Don was piling-on with the blame Pawlenty crap. I am truly not "of" 
any party. Over and over again I have been hearing the DFL political reps 
(Don Samuels excluded- gratefully) taking time out from serious neighborhood 
issues and concerns, at neighborhood meetings in the hood, and other public 
venues. The sermons are less then inspiring for me, as I can't help but visualize 
images of the old gang of City Leaders, and there insider dealing; and spending 
sprees while dispossessing the poor, and working classes, in the siege 

I love the smell of bulldozers, in the morning, knocking down neighborhood 
housing. Those were the good old days!

Oh yea Keith Ellison, Linda Higgins, and Joe Mullery, tell me again how great 
it was, and how I must now blame the IR, and Tim Pawlenty. Clearly you have 
your marching orders to deal the dirt; early and often. While citizens have 
assembled at a Jordan Livability meeting to deal with real issues. Gimme that 
OOOOLD time DFL Religion.

Like a bad drum beat: It make me coconut ache, mon.

Keith Reitman  NearNorth
1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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