Fellow Readers,

I'm almost reluctant to post my favorite book store in Minneapolis, because it's such a quiet treasure. It's Birch Bark Books, on the upper west side of Lake of the Isles (2115 W. 21st Street).

The owner, our local famous-author Louise Erdrich, has created a hideaway for small press books, books about and by native writers, GREAT kids books (and a super birch "tree house" designed for little ones to play in and on while mom shops), eclectic cook books, and a collection of native arts (there is even an antique confessional on one wall, I suppose, to absolve us moms who really don't have time to read, but must). It's a small place, but staffed by true book lovers, not the least of whom is Brian Baxter who always has a suggestion for me whether it's science fiction I'm looking for, or poetry, essays, fiction, children's books, whatever.

There are a couple of tattered chairs to plunk down in while browsing, a few chatty birds in a cage near the front door, and, not an insignificant feature, it's right next door to the Kenwood Deli where you can duck in for a sandwich and an iced tea while reading your newest book.

Check it out. And, I might add, support LOCAL booksellers whenever possible.

Tracy Nordstrom
Guilty Reader in East Calhoun

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