In a previous post I said:

"Had it been me and I totally believed that I was the
right person for the job, I would have stuck like

Barbara Lickness responded:

At what cost? Yes, I think it's human instinct to
fight for what is yours. But, to keep the school board
embroiled in a battle that wasn't going to go away any
time soon could prove to be an even costlier venture
for the kids in Minneapolis. Who wins in that
scenario. This isn't about a personal victory for
David Jennings. It sounds like he is a resilient man
who will find plenty of ways to contribute. Hopefully,
he will continue at the MPS to help guide whoever it
is they do choose. At any rate, I am sure he will land
on his feet.

My response:

Jennings knew, and should have understood, the cost when he took the job.  The smart move would have been to prepare for the expected fallout, as it appeared to be brewing when Johnson was considering taking the new position.  And, if the belief is that he is resilient, he should have been okay.  I believe either way the school board was going to be embroiled in a battle, so no news there.  I believe, as I stated before, the focus should be on this community input that people are wanting to see happen, so that the battle does not have to drag on so long. 

Barbara Lickness said:

My personal agenda is to advocate for the children at
Whittier School. For their sakes and for the future of
this school I would like to see the decision regarding
superintendent made quickly so that the attention to
how we close the gap becomes paramount. I am not sure
any one we choose for school superintendent will come
armed with all the answers. I just think it will suck
up a lot of attention for now and will steer away from
what is important to me. That is improving the
education of the kids in the school by my house.

Pamela Taylor says:

I admire Barb's agenda, and I totally agree that no superintendent will come armed with all the answers.  That is why I stated we should not simply look at credentials.  Look for the best candidate to do the job that needs to be done.  And then hold ALL feet (Super/MPSB/Parents/Teachers/Community/etc.) to the fire for the sake of our kids.

If anyone out there knows of good candidates, homegrown or otherwise, is ther a law stating you cannot make viable recommendations to the school board?  They may or may not use them, but at least its being proactive, and helping to move the search and selection process along faster.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

Barb and I seem to share an affinity for the same quote. It has always been one of my favorites.  Why, because it has always rung true.

Pamela Taylor (Tampa) 

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