The Southwest Journal article on the Redistricting Lawsuit provides some
good information on the status of the lawsuit.  The journal's editorial,
however, (written by David Brauer) is confusing.  He seems to agree that
many of the points raised are valid and that the proposed Settlement Map
is far superior to what the Redistricting Commission produced.  But then
the editorial stops short of endorsing the lawsuit while making the
puzzling claim that voters can solve the issues raised in the next
election through changing the redistricting process for the future.  But
if we have a problem now, why not fix it now?

The editorial argues that keeping existing office holders in their wards
shouldn't be a priority.  I don't disagree with this if other criteria
argue in favor of such a change.  However, it is one thing for a
rational redistricting process to conclude that, based on other more
important criteria, this should occur.  It is another thing altogether
for a vindictive and partisan commission member to engineer the
arbitrary drawing of an officeholder (against whom he had a grudge) out
of his ward using a sneaky last-minute maneuver after the public hearing
process has already concluded.  

In the case of Don Samuels and Natalie Johnson Lee, the issue is not
that anyone tried to draw them into the same ward (Samuels, of course,
had not yet gained office).  The issue is the racial packing of the 5th
Ward, the potential dilution of the minority vote in the 3rd Ward and
the fact that this is accomplished using an illegally shaped map. The
Third Ward in the Disputed Map is 2.9 times longer than it is wide,
violating the city charter.  The Settlement Map demonstrates that a much
better result is possible than what the last Redistricting Commission
produced.  All wards easily meet the shape requirement and other
important criteria are also respected.

If the SW Journal editorial is going to dismiss the lawsuit's legal
points (ward shape, public hearing process, etc.) in favor of what it
thinks is the overall public interest, let's examine this.  Does anyone
except diehard partisans really think that this city is not benefiting
from the leadership being provided by both Don Samuels and Natalie
Johnson Lee?  Is it really in the public interest to force them to face
off against each other?  Or for Samuels to have to out of the Jordan
neighborhood, where he has become such an influential figure, to be
re-elected in the Third Ward?

In lawsuits it is usually assumed that the two contesting parties have
diametrically opposing interests.  I would argue, however, that in this
case this is not the situation at all.  I can easily see how a large
majority of the current city council might well prefer to reject the
flawed and illegal Disputed Map in favor of a new process.  

The City Council doesn't have to wait for a trial next year, wasting
city and plaintiff resources on continuing to fight this lawsuit. 
Instead they could conclude now that the best interests of the
plaintiffs, the city, and the public all would be served by the city
council accepting a court approved settlement.  All this would take
would be for the council to pass a resolution acknowledging that the
Disputed Map is illegal due to the shape of the 3rd Ward and directing
their attorneys to pursue a settlement.

In addition to the Southwest Journal website, the Settlement offer and
Settlement Map (available as a .pdf download) are also now posted on the
F.R.E.E. website:  Also, fighting a lawsuit is
expensive and we're not rich: donations are needed and welcome!!  Info
is on the F.R.E.E. site.

Bruce Shoemaker
Holland Neighborhood
Ward 3

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