>   Any time the reality of what has happened to those who have few resources 
> but still make the effort to struggle for democracy and fairness is pointed
> out
> ....those who protect the interests of the wealthy and powerful cry out--- 
> Not Nice, Not Fair.

Maybe I missed something, but what does this discussion have to do with 
"the reality of those who have few resources"?  I thought it was all about
one well-to-do person clucking over seeing other well-to-do people at a 
basketball game.  Did someone throw up the barricades at center court to
defend democracy and fairness?  Are the people rushing out to protect this
democratic and fair stretch of Highway 35W?

>      Our last Mayor did resort to the police on more than one occasion and 
> the police and National Guard regarding Hi-Way 55.

Is it too late to claim the democratic and fair stretch of Highway 35W is
also sacred?  We could all go live in the Highway 35W Spiritual Encampment
(which was created by the Vikings on their way back from dropping off the
Kensington Rune Stone) and wait for the National Guard?

Mike Skoglund // Bancroft MPLS // Financial District NY
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