Tom Taylor's campaign for State Representative (Seat#59A representing Northeast 
Minneapolis) is holding a series of community forums to give the public an opportunity 
to explore innovative
ways to address today’s most important issues. Everyone is welcome.  Please feel free 
to pass this information on to any one you know that may be interested

TONIGHT, Thursday Sept. 30th, John Kolstad will present about small businesses and the 
great economic engine that they are for our community and what can been done to 
strengthen the small business climate.

On Monday, October 4th Betsy Barnum will be leading us in a discussion on the 
unfettered power that corporations hold in our society and governance and what can 
done about it.  For a complete listing of all or our community forums please visit

Small Business; Our Economic Engine
Thursday, September 30

7 p.m. - Small Business; Our Economic Engine
Thursday. September 30th ~ 7:PM

John Kolstad has run a national distribution company from MPLS for 24 years. He will 
discuss the role small businesses play in our economy, the challenges they face and 
what can be done to strengthen this valuable, job creating resource. John is the 
president of Mill City Music and served on the Minneapolis Micro Loan Committee. He 
has presented to the Minneapolis City Council, the MCDA, business organizations and 
community and civic groups.

Tom Taylor is holding this series of community forums to give the public an opportunity to 
explore innovative ways to address today’s most important issues. Everyone is welcome.

Elect Tom Taylor and you can expect more community forums like these on the issues of 
the day. When the neighbors of Northeast work together, we can find creative solutions 
and common ground.

California Street Gallery
2205 California Street, Northeast Minneapolis.

More About the Presenter
John Kolstad started Mill City Music as a basement business 24 years ago.  Now the 
company has two record labels and an international clientele. John has learned the 
role small businesses play in the community and economy,both from first hand 
experience and extensive research. In addition to running his business, John serves as 
chairperson of the Minnesota Universal
Health Care Coalition’s steering committee, representing the interests of small 
business owners in the healthcare debate.

Free and Open to the Public
For more information, call Tom Taylor at 612-788-4252.

Tom Taylor
Green Party Endorsed Candidate for MN House Seat 59A

Bruce Shoemaker
Holland Neighborhood

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