Greg Luce wrote:

More and more, Minneapolis is pushing the poor out, rather than lifting the
poor up.


Amen Greg.  Amen.  Over the past few years, we have heard our leaders talk
about the need for affordable housing.  They have poured millions into
housing projects across the city.

The problem with these “affordable” housing projects is that the housing
usually targets families that make 50% of the area median income (AMI).  50%
of the area median income is $38,200 (set by HUD, not me).

Is THAT an affordable housing program or a gentrification/increase tax base
program?  I wonder if Dan McGrath, the self funded homeowner that can no
longer afford to live in Mpls, makes 50% of AMI?

It seems to me that the housing programs of Mpls created a) new, high priced
housing and b) increased property taxes for existing housing.  Not a
successful model to help the poor or lower-middle income.

I read the Star Tribune articles about Mpls this morning.  I am not sure
what is more depressing.  The state of Mpls government or the fact that the
responses on this forum to the Strib’s articles have been a) make fun of the
strib and b) blame the legislature.

We can do better.  I think the strib is on to something here.  We need a
more understandable and accountable city government.  Maybe Mpls should use
St. Paul as a model?

Bill Cullen

P.S. to Cathy Leighton: I have relatives at the South end of the Black Hills
(but still just in S. Dakota). What a WONDERFUL place to live.  I visit
multiple times/year and always wonder why I return to Mpls.

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