>>>>> "MS" == Mark Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    MS> Hi all,

    MS> I've seen a few people make comments about the forthcoming
    MS> "rate increase" that has been proposed by Minnegasco.

    MS> While I understand that this will result in higher gas bills for some
    MS> residential folks, I think the impact has been overstated a bit.

    MS> Here's a summary of what's being proposed, courtesy of
    MS> Minnegasco's web site:
    MS> http://mn.centerpointenergy.com/ratecase/factsheet.asp


    MS> Now, in the comments I've seen about this, it seems there is a
    MS> lot of focus on the increase in the Basic Charge with little
    MS> notice of the decrease in the Delivery Charge.


One concern I have with the new rate structure is that it will
tend to discourage natural gas conservation.  Essentially, moving
costs to the delivery charge means turning more of the natural gas
bill into a fixed cost.  If this is done enough, then it's going to
tend to encourage consumers to abuse the resource, for which they are
going to pay, whether they use it or not.  E.g., if you're going to be
paying for a hunk of natural gas in the summer *anyway*, why not take
a bunch of nice long, hot baths.  The problem with this is that
natural gas demand is continuing to rise, as we try to clean up the
air by replacing coal-fired plants with gas-fired.  So why not
a price structure that encourages conservation?

Also, there's simple self-interest.  I'm sure that this will get
squawks from the pro-business crew, but why the heck shouldn't
consumers try to fight attempts to shift costs from businesses to
consumers?  We've heard a lot of complaints about that from the
pro-business crew, but I haven't heard of any cases, where they just
said, "yeah, it's fair for us to bear a higher percentage of the <your
choice here> cost burden."  Why is it somehow evil for individual
citizens to fight for their own interests in the political realm, but
laudable when business owners do?


Robert P. Goldman
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