I would like to tell you my experience with the city on this.  I posted here
right after my first bill about the fact that my water bill went up by $20+,
a 60% increase.  I called the city and, after some discussion, discovered
that my home was shown as a duplex, something that hasn't been true for four
years.  The city corrected their records (at least they said they have--I
won't know until my next bill).  It didn't take detailed site plans, only a
statement by me that I had looked up the foundation footprint on their web
site and measured my garage and driveway.  From this, I could tell them the
total impervious surface.  This is all it took.

I do have ONE complaint:  They would not let me correct the bill and pay the
lesser charge (the city automatically assesses a penalty for not fully
paying the bill).  I didn't like it (and I know that for some people, paying
that extra $20 would be more of a hardship than it is for me), but I paid
it.  What was really frustrating was to get the next bill four weeks later
and to see the wrong total on it, too.  When I called about this, I learned
that it takes 45 days for the corrections to show up on your bill and, yes,
I must pay the extra $20 a second month.  I was assured that my water bill
would be credited with the excess I paid, so I should get a very low water
bill next time.

I didn't find the city to be unreasonable.  Perhaps it was because I had
done my homework and already had the numbers for them, or perhaps I called
early enough in this fiasco that they had not yet been inundated with calls.
Whatever the reason, my experience was a relatively good one.  I do think
the city should look into fixing a system that penalizes people for paying
the correct amount when an error is made.  It should be a simple matter to
credit the penalty as well as the erroneous amount when a correct is made.

Dottie Titus, Jordan

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