Commissioner Kummer has been touting the success of converting the Lake Calhoun 
Concession into a
revenue-generating restaurant, based on the Park Board's cut of revenue for its 
first year.  The
Tin Fish cut a $50k check to the Park Board, I believe.  

That's not the whole story, though.  MPRB made significant improvements to the 
facility and plans
further improvements.  MPRB owns and maintains the facility, including daily 
cleaning and trash
pickup.  I suspect it will take many years to realize a return for this 

Could Commissioner Kummer please lay out the business case for Tin Fish, 
- how much was spent on facility improvements
- how much does MPRB plan to spend on further facility improvements
- how much the Park Board pays in property tax for the facility
- how much the Park Board spends to maintain the facility
- what % of revenue Tin Fish pays to MPRB
- the contract length
- the annual revenue of the calhoun public concession over the last 6 years 
(for comparison
- what happens if Tin Fish backs out of this arrangement before the Park Board 
has realized a
- whether the Board is contractually enforcing non-discriminatory hiring 
practices for this

Additionally, the Board plans to privatize at least 4 more park concessions, 
starting with
Minnehaha Park.  Will all park concessions be privatized?  Where does the Park 
Board draw the line
with privatizing operations to make a buck?  What questions does the Board ask 
itself before
privatizing a public asset?  What policy guides the Board's decisions in this 
regard?  What's

The Park Board has a 122 year history of public concessions, even during some 
tough budget times. 
I'm wondering how this swift change of course fits into a well-considered plan 
for the future of
our public park system.
Jason Stone
Diamond Lake
Candidate for Park Board, District 5
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