Hi all,

I'm not a baseball fan, but I don't have anything against it, just as I
don't have anything against most other forms of ENTERTAINMENT.

Professional sports is big-ticket entertainment, and I myself did not
realize it was this, until a few years ago.

I thought sports was part of God, country, Mom, and apple pie, but it's not.
It's just another business.

Just as I would not want public funds to subsidize a new studio for Prince
(whom I like as a quirky performer), I do not want public funds to pay for
the entertainment of a select group, and not make a small number of people
wealthy in the process.

If it can't stand on it's own as a business, it doesn't have legs and should
not be shown pity, but kicked towards the door to go beg somewhere else! If
sports indirectly benefits other businesses, then THEY should be asked for
the funds. And I say yes to user fees. Duh!

I see they don't want the public to put it to a vote and that would be a
"deal killer". What does that tell us? The Governor would not comment, and I
think it's because he knows what's going on, and that people are not going
to stand by and just let this happen.

And I also see the choice parts of the deal are kept by the team, and any
funds that are return or repaid go to the baseball commission? Why are they
not returned to the county general fund!??!

I'm sure I don't know all the details and I look forward to becoming more
educated on this issue.

By the way, the latest issue of The Watchdog is now available on-line in PDF
format at http://www.Minneapolis-Watchdog.com.

Thank you,
Chris Nielsen, Webmaster
Watchdog News, Inc.
Bloomington, MN

[The views and opinions expressed are my own and do not represent those of
the Watchdog or it's staff.]

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