According to this City Pages article from January 2004 -
the county has been working on the plan with support from Mayor Rybak all along.

The Mpls. City Council gave its support to the Minneapolis site, but with the county figuring out the financing, by a vote of 11 to 1 in December 2003. (Please forgive my ignorance if there's been a more recent vote.) Everyone is in on this, even those who have said they oppose it. With one Minneapolis exception, of course. Who was that lone vote against? I have a hunch that anyone who opposes the stadium deal should be out there working to re-elect Dean Zimmerman...

There's a lot pressure to keep the Twins not just in Minnesota, but in Minneapolis. There are reasons not to like the proposed plan. But unless the mayor definitively says he's against it, it's not a litmus test between the two candidates for the DFL endorsement.

Becca Vargo Daggett

On Friday, April 29, 2005, at 12:36 PM, Dyna wrote:

McLaughlin said Thursday that he would vote for the plan and acknowledged that doing so would "cost
me votes" at the endorsing convention. "It's not easy," he said, but "I think it's time to stand up."

After months of demagougery from Peter's shills promising more cops, firefighters, and probably chickens and pots to boil them in too... In a breath of fresh air Peter fesses up that he supports taxing us for a new stadium for a billionaire. No word yet if Peter will support a smaller tax hike to fully fund the jail (200 unused cells) so we can put a stop to "catch and release"...

This mayoral race has probably seen "uncommitted" delegates in the majority, until now... Looks like RT winning on the first ballot, if Peter doesn't withdraw first.

        from the criminal containment zone in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter
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