I attended the District 5 Park Board convention last night. The two major candidates, Carol Kummer and Jason Stone were 10 votes apart, so basically tied, on the first ballot. The second ballot showed little movement and the convention voted to suspend the rules and adjourn with no endorsement. Hats off to the 150+ delegates who sat through a 12 hour DFL City Convention in order to attend the Park Board convention.

Convention arrangements were horrible. The District 5 convention was held in a corner of an athletic field hall simultaneously with four other park board district conventions. No mics could be used at any of the conventions and it was terribly noisy. It was impossible to hear all words spoken. No questions were allowed and the candidates and supporters were given only 5 minutes to make speeches. The hour was late and most in attendance were decided so the abbreviated process was accepted by the majority.

Stone and Kummer both worked very hard in the pre-convention campaign. It's been a respectful and dignified campaign without animosity and negativism. Neither are incumbent campaigners as Carol Kummer was appointed to fill in Comm. Solomon's term so both had to start from scratch assembling lists, graphics, and photos and producing literature, mailings and signs. Both campaigns have invested financially in the contest. The shoddy convention that the DFL provided was a disgrace to the office, to the candidates, and to the entire District 5 delegation.

Another 300-400 delegates from District 5 who were at the City Convention would have been able to participate in this park board convention had they not been required to sit through a 12 hour DFL City convention in order to do so. That's a pretty tough requirement for participating in any political process. We would not tolerate a 12 hour wait at the polls without knowing exactly when the polls might open in order to cast a vote - yet this is what the DFL required of its delegates who wanted to vote in park board district races. There were contests in 5 of the 6 park boards districts.

When there is no contest for mayor (as in the days when Hofstede and Fraser were reelected), the City DFL convention had enough time to allow delegates to break off and participate in park board district conventions. When there is a contest in the Mayor's race, as in 2001 and 2005, the City Convention is preoccupied and park board district conventions are given short shrift.

Park board district conventions involve more delegates than ward conventions and like ward conventions, park board district conventions deserve to have their own time, location, and agendas. The candidates who stand forward to run and serve deserve to be heard. Delegates deserve a chance to ask questions - and to hear what is being said. It's time for the DFL to change and accord park board district races the dignity and attention that the office of Park Board Commissioner deserves.

Shawne Fitzgerald

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