There is a mailing that has gone out about an upcoming 8th Ward Candidates 
Forum which is being put on by the following groups: Madd Dads (V.J. Smith's 
nnprofit), Community Collaboratives (Pauline Thomas' nonprofit), and Councilman 
Lilligren's office.  
Apparently, there is a huge fee for participation in this forum.  Gold 
Sponsorship ($1,000) allows you a table, your name on the banner, and another 
benefit which I have forgotten, and participation in the forum.  Silver ($500) 
allows the same named benefit, minus the one I cannot remember, and 
participation in the forum.  Bronze ($250) allows you a table, and 
participation in the forum.
I am wondering what nonprofit groups are doing accepting money from political 
campaigns?  And, is any of this going to councilman Lilligren's campaign 
coffers?  I am asking a serious question, not trying to be funny. If all ten 
candidates were to pay for Gold Sponsorship that's $10,000.  I have a problem 
with that.  I don't think the candidates should pay to discuss the issues.  I 
see this also, as an unfair way to weed out candidates.  I can see paying a 
small fee $10) toward defraying the cost of renting tables in which to put 
literature on, or something of that nature, but the other figures are 
ridiculous.  If the sponsoring organizations have to pay that much in rental 
costs to mount this forum, IMHO they should pick another spot.
What do other listmembers think?
Pamela Taylor

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