
As I fill my car's tank with gas and the tenths of a penny calculate into
the tens of dollars, I too am prone to complain. Over two dollars per gallon
for gas! -- outrageous.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]&

Then I look in my cup holder and notice that I just paid over a dollar for
nice pure filtered and flavored water. Not a gallon of water -- just a pint.
If I calculate correctly that comes to over $8 a gallon. (it must be the
artificial lemon flavor that makes it sooooo expensive)

Perhaps the huge corporate subsidies (scientific research and "security")
that have artificially kept the price of gas low are taxpayer expenses that
should be diverted to (a) health care and education or (b) private checking
accounts (options available for those of each partisan "lifestyle") 

I, on the other hand, would like to respond to my own hypocrisy -- not by
buying less gas or less "foo-foo yuppie-fied augua drinks" but by rotating
my measly dollar through the community with increased frequency. 

Does anyone know where the locally owned and managed gas stations are in
Minneapolis? Places where I can be somewhat assured that my dollar spent has
an increased chance of staying in the local community for a little bit
longer before it finds its ways to filling the mini bar at the vacation
villa of a corporate oil executive in a Bahamas' tax-haven?


Joseph Barisonzi
Networking from home in Willard-Hay
PS: I fully recognize that a significant percentage of the price of gas goes
to pay for road construction and repair -- much of which supports living
wage construction jobs here in Minnesota and Minneapolis. For the record I
am glad to have an opportunity to pay this expense as a percentage of my gas
purchase rather then as a toll on highway travel. Thanks!

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