Our existing zoning does not prescribe that buildings be 4 stories or
shorter. It simply says you do not have as many "reviews" to build that.
Many people have this idea that by requiring developments to be four
stories or less, we'll have a better project. For example, the development
at Lake-Fremont (north side) is a four story building that is hideous and
contributes little to the area, other than residents and tax base. We could
have a good project that provides public goods while making a slight
compromise to those who feel the trade isn't fair. I felt the trade was
fair in the case of this project.

I think the Council was way out of touch. Schiff's comments about how the
City maybe shouldn't allow office development in Uptown because there's
plenty of space in Downtown demonstrates how political this thing was. Does
Schiff actually think that all the office tenants interested in Uptown
would just go downtown? The developer was willing to risk millions on
finding office tenants, and the one expected to move in was a SUBURBAN
firm. Schiff's comments on how the developer should have met more with
policy makers more sounded strange, implying that the process should be
moved from the public setting it went through to the back room.

This project put density in a place that made sense - next to a transit
station and in a mixed-use community. Change occurs, and sometimes it is
out of context (visually) with its neighbors. Temple Isreal replaced a
house. The Buzza building (Lake-Colfax) had houses next to it. West High
School had houses and little shack-like buildings around it. Cities
constantly evolve, and to say something is visually out of context,
especially when it's not THAT out of context, and ignore the *public good*
that comes from having this project is just not progressive.

To say "no" to a project like this that brings over $100 million to the tax
base is not smart. To say "no" to a project that improves the Midtown
Greenway through improved access and landscaping is not smart. To say "no"
to a public plaza that actually appears to be usable is not smart. To say
"no" to a project that brings 200-400 white collar jobs (especially when
half would be from the suburbs) to an area of struggling daytime activities
is not smart.

The Council Members did Minneapolis a disservice today. The Planning
Commission spent hours on the issue and had a good discussion about the
project. Little mention of their conversation ever occurred, and the
planning staff only discussed their own recommendation. Niziolek did a
great job at discussing the issue. As for Zuckman's comments about how
Niziolek is out of touch with his constituency, the family and friends I
have in the 10th Ward supported the project...so perhaps he wasn't as out
of touch as your suggest.

I hope those of you who didn't support the project due to its height will
go home tonight and enjoy your view of tree canopies that don't let you
beyond your block anyways, especially seeing that no immediate neighbors of
the project ever spoke up against the project.

-Thatcher Imboden

P.S. The comment at the hearing about how someone asked people leaving the
Uptown Bar and Grill about their feelings about the project...while
pointing over to the location and telling about how it'll be 13 stories is
a rather leading process. The fact you're asking people how they feel about
something they likely don't know about implys the position of the question
giver, and if you're not crazy looking or sounding, will likely result in
them agreeing with the bias of the questioner. Real accurate.

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