Arthur T. Himmelman suggests:

"I realize that this may be an unrealistic request, but I am wondering if 
anyone would like to try to do more of what Jon Stewart asked of CNN's 
crowd: Would you analyze, discuss, and debate the substantive issues of the 
politics that you are discussing rather than simply attacking the political 
strategies and personal qualities of those that you oppose? 

'Specifically, I am wondering if more of our mpls.mnforum commentators might 
be willing offer analysis and discussions of important issues relevant to 
major's race by dispassionately comparing and contrasting R.T's. and Peter's 
stated (written if available) positions on -- you select the issues.   

....we're pretty well stuck with the convential Jon Stewart approach of 
parody and satire since debate with the detailed discussion backed by analysis 
important issues that Himmelmann craves might lead to a series of very long 
multi-part one will read them if we are to judge from previous 
on the tedious length of some of our posts would be hard on the list 
manager as well.....discerning tedium from brilliant exposé way to do 
it might be be the bin der dun dat approach....I seem to recall almost reading 
a number of RT and the homeless posts more than once.... I told a candidate for sump'n er udder at my door that I had 
attended a hundred meetings a month in my capacity as a neighborhood sump'n er 
udder; I meant per year, I'm certain, but I think I caught a hyperbolec 
some time before she knocked from reading a week's Wirth of posts on this list 
(switched OS and a little behind on everything)....I've been told by the 
doctor that the infection is terminal...only the symptoms can be treated with 
(not the funny kind) and various other restraints...along with abstinance from 
activities like reading, or posting to...this some time in the 

Bill Kahn
....trying to containing myself in Prospect Park, until I have something more 
serious or list specific to say
1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at If 
you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list.

2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

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