Linda Higgins wrote:

> I have no problem with Mr Shegstad shopping himself around on the street.
> issue is shopping himself from party to party to party to party.
> The foundation of a political party is that shared core values bring
> together under a political party structure. In some cases, they are 180
> degrees different from one another, in some cases only degrees of
> separation. My point is that if you shop yourself from one party's
> endorsement process to another (and another and another), you're not being
> honest with some of them about what you believe.
> Maybe what Dan McGrath was trying to say was that Mr Shegstad is talking
> people of all political parties while he's campaigning. That's what people
> who run for office do. That's good. But that's not what he said.

What Linda seems to have difficulty with is the absence of loyalty to a
political party. Party politics are a big part of our problems in
government. Petty games in partisan politics give us gridlock, and strange
compromises in laws that make no sense. The parties these days are far more
interested in maintaining their own power than actually accomplishing
anything. Most politicians are more loyal to their respective party than to
the actual people they are supposed to be representing in their particular
political subdivision. Dave Shegstad simply isn't interested in petty party
politics. He's interested in representing PEOPLE, be they Greens, DFL,
Republican, Independence, or Libertarian. All residents of ward 9 deserve
representation. I know it's sacrilege in this town, but the party machine
doesn't matter. What is important is what the people in the ward want. Who
cares what the deep thinkers at DFL or GOP headquarters want? This is a
local race about local issues, and real people who deserve to be heard.
Shegstad has pledged to listen to all voices, not just the ones with the
right party connections.  Shegstad is trying to tell people that all parties
are welcome at his table.

Dan McGrath

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