Mark Snyder suggests a proposed development near his neighborhood rather than 
one in the Southeast Industrial Area that I described:

> Projects like the industrial area surrounded by my neighborhood, SE Como,
> Marcy Holmes and the U got short shrift for quite some time because of a
> narrow, perhaps a lack, of focus on anything else but pet RT projects

"Such as? Can you provide examples of these worthy projects because I try to
follow what goes on in this area due to both personal and professional
interest and I can't say I've heard too much about proposed projects in the
Mid-City Industrial Area. In fact, the last one I remember was a Sam's Club
proposed for the area just off 35W at Industrial Blvd that was shot down
because the developers were trying to fudge their way around the zoning.
Can't say I shed too many tears about that one."

Bill Kahn racks his poor memory: 

For almost as long as I've lived in Minneapolis, I've sat in on meetings of 
the Southeast Economic Development Committee (SEED Committee), a group of 
business, neighborhood, and government representatives from St. Paul and 
Minneapolis in this border area of the Metro. The SEED Committee and their land 
use plan 
for the Bridal Veil Industrial area (formerly known as the SEIA, the SE Mpls 
Industrial Area) was spawned partly out of a study done as an NRP strategy 
from my neighborhood's first action plan. Because the SEED plan area spans a 
TIF districts established under the previous administration as well as some 
eminent domain disputes, it has been actively ignored by Rybak until it became 
associated with the fairly new "biotechnology zones" state wide. There have 
been several successful developments in Bridal Veil: all the various phases of 
Westgate business parks (I think it's at four), another one on a former 
Superfund site just south of North Star Foods, and the biotech incubator and 
park in progress just to the west and all the way to the border of the area 
near the U of MN campus looks to be just as successful later on. Frankly, as it 
is one of the largest brown field redevelopment areas going in the city, I'm 
surprised Snyder knows so little about it. The Bridal Veil plan has 
incorporated sustainability guidelines that have in turn been incorporated into 
Minneapolis Plan. It can't be said that Rybak has ever been an effective 
of these developments and at times he has hindered them; Hennepin County has 
been actively involved in these efforts.     

Despite Mark Snyder's red herring of a Sam Wall invasion thwarted well north 
and west of the area I described thrown in by Green Minneapolitan Mark Snyder, 
I think list readers should ask themselves why he is so pro-Rybak and 
anti-McLaughlin. Could it be that he has another candidate in mind? On to the 
Snyder red herring:

"Question: I know a number of Hennepin County staff members who have done
some great work regarding sustainability issues, but where is Hennepin
County's sustainability plan and how has that been integrated into their
master planning efforts? I mean, at least Minneapolis has these things even
if you're not wholly satisfied with them.

"Aren't you risking taking a step backwards by supporting the guy who's had
how many years on the Hennepin County commission to propose these kinds of
efforts and apparently hasn't done so or if he has, hasn't managed to get
anywhere with them?" 

I would call Snyder's attention to the fact the the county is much more "a 
creature of the State" than the city. If by posing these questions Snyder is 
suggesting that those Hennepin County staffers whom he knows are working on 
sustainability issues through his work as a state employee do not have the full 
support of Supervisor McLaughlin, Why doesn't he just say so? I suspect that 
do have that support and this is but the second smelly fish Snyder is tossing 

As long as the thread is about endorsements, Who is Snyder supporting for the 
office of mayor? It certainly sounds like it is Rybak to me, or Is this yet 
another red herring?

Bill Kahn
Prospect Park   
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