Michael Hohmann wrote:
What's the value of special interest endorsements to local politicians?  How
about to the general public?  How do such endorsements influence candidate
platforms and decision making in local politics, before and after the
election?  In general, are city residents and property taxpayers (renters &
homeowners) well served by the special interest endorsement process?  Or, is
decision making on behalf of city residents and property taxpayers distorted
and compromised by the special interest endorsement process?

Mark Anderson:
I've often wondered about this myself.  When I see organizations endorsing
candidates, it is almost always a negative in my mind.  My thinking is the
endorsing organization is a special interest that the candidate is then
indebted to, and will have to pay off with votes.  Apparently most voters
don't think this way, or at least the candidates don't think they do,
because the candidates keep eating up endorsements like they're chocolate.

I especially hate a long list of endorsements on the candidate's brochures.
I don't think they'll have time to consider the public's interest with so
many preferred lobbyists whispering in his/her ear.  For example in the
Eighth Ward council race, I could never vote for Marie Hauser with her long
list of debts owed to Big Labor (admittedly, I probably wouldn't vote for
her anyway).

Are there people out there that will actually vote for a candidate BECAUSE
of a special interest endorsement?

Mark V Anderson

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