Mark Hanson asks:

"I'm not going to single out any particular candidate or party, because I've 
heard many people do this...

"Why is there so much talk about Minneapolis schools in the mayoral and city 
council races?  We had a school board election in 2004.  It's understandable 
that many voters continue to have strong feelings about the Minneapolis public 
schools, but I'm having a hard time understanding how management of the school 
is within the scope of a mayor or city council's responsibilities.  It seems 
like management of a major city would be enough to keep busy.

"I'm certain some list-readers will have an opinion on this question."

Bill Kahn, a short timer in Mpls, takes a stab at it:

It is true that the City of Minneapolis has a number of boards both 
independent, such as the school boards, and under the purview of city 
government, such 
as the Mpls Youth Coordinating Board  that a former MPS superintendant 
informed me about. You can find ifno on the MYCB at:

>From the former site above:

"The board is comprised of the Mayor, 2 Council Members, 2 Hennepin County 
Commissioners, 2 School Board Members, 1 State representative, 1 State senator, 
1 Hennepin County court judge, 1 Library Board member, 1 Park and Recreation 
Board member, 1 Hennepin County Attorney"

The mayor chairs this intergovernmental group who meet once a month. As far 
as I know, this is the only formal connection between MPS and the City. I don't 
think there is a candidate out there who does not see a connection between 
education and other social issues of concern in the City like crime, 
unemployment, and economic viability; some have a better handle on it than 
others, I 
The weak mayor/strong council charter makes our voting choices all the more 
important if we care about these issues. We need folks who not only are 
intelligent and capable, but can also work together well. I think it would help 
if we 
had a different chair and park board representative on MYCB
I think there could be a great deal of improvement in how well the MYCB 
addresses these social issues but that depends on the people sitting on and 
it. As I said, the mayor chairs it and a couple of Hennepin County 
Commissioners sit on it, including Mayor Rybak's DFL opponent, Peter 
McLaughlin, who 
might have partly based his decision to run on the experience--I can't really 
say. I can say that it is important for the City and the school board to work 
together, and no mayor should be too busy for that work. With a little less 
territorial behavior and more cooperation we might even see some better policy 
both MPS and the City of Minneapolis (and MPRB maybe?), a little positive 
synergy perhaps.

Bill Kahn
answering a neighbor's call in Prospect Park
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