Previous post:
"The Board decided who the Federation would endorse and on 
more than one occasion, their endorsement was the source of much dissention 
within the ranks.  Whether this is the case now, I do not know."
I marched behind Peter McLaughlin as he rode in the back of a convertible in 
the Gay Pride parade earlier this summer. Aside from the guy in underpants and 
a tube top who ran up to Peter and kissed him lingeringly on the lips, the most 
interesting thing I saw was the reaction of the police officers working on the 
route. Nearly all waved at Peter as he passed, greeted him and cheered. Several 
- more than half - actually approached Peter and wished him luck, saying things 
like, "I sure hope you win this election."
Now the cops and their union may not be the most popular group among liberal, 
green, progressive, LGBT etc. folks, as they probably have a similar percentage 
of ism's and anti-social problems as any other group of teachers, lawyers, 
farmers, dentists, social workers, mechanics, pilots, priests, politicians and 
podiatrists. But when I call 911, I am glad to see them. I also appreciate our 
fire fighters who are Peter's staunch and most visible supporters.
Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills
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