Gina wrote:
"ahhh...I hate to tell you dan, but the shegstad campaign underestimated the
support for Gary Schiff.  I also hate to tell you that WARD 9 is regular
folks, and them regular folks-have mortgages work hard as hell, and have
kids, and dogs...I am not sure what Ward 9- the illusion was who doesn't
come out to vote???  But it sure sounds like a generalization of why
shegstad lost the primary.  The progressives in Ward 9, stood behind Gary
Schiff, and also Dave Bicking- this is what Ward 9 looks like.  I am sure
Shegstad is a great guy, but listing himself as independent, maybe was the
problem- hiding ones party affiliations might not be the best campaign
advice.  Ward 9 is regular folks, and always has been- us working class
people do not feel let down. "

No. we didn't underestimate Schiff's support. We over-estimated it. We
expected to place second in the primary. It was Bicking and the Greens we
underestimated, as I stated before.

51% for an incumbent DFLer in a low-turn-out primary election is pretty poor
performance. Usually low turn-out elections favor the incumbent. Primaries
in Minneapolis are typically heavily weighted toward the DFL, because it's
the party activists that vote in primaries. Most people don't even know when
a primary is held, or why.

What I read into the primary results is Schiff is pretty unpopular.
Following conventional wisdom, the primary should have tilted heavily in his
favor, and the best Shiff could muster is 51%? What will than mean in the
general, when more regular (non activist) people get out to vote? Remember,
49% of PRIMARY voters said no to Schiff. He can expect the general election
to be less kind.

Shegstad listed as an independent because that's what he is. Yes, he had the
city Republicans' ensdorsement. He also worked with the Libertarian Party
and manned the State Fair booth for the Independence Party. Two campaign
staffers were DFLers. Our campaign manager ran for state senate as a Green
endorsed candidate. Our treasurer was with the independence party. One of
our staffers was a Republican. Shegstad sought additional endorsements, but
most parties don't cross endorse (which he wasn't aware of at the outset).

Dan McGrath

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