I thought I would report on a few Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 
issues that I was reminded of last night by a visit by MPRB Member Walter 
to a pitifully small meeting of a nonprofit organization that I have been 
associated almost as long as I've lived in Minneapolis. 

The Pratt Community Education Resource Center, Inc., I think, or Pratt 
Council for short has been around since 1980 or so when Minneapolis Public 
last attempted to raze schools and a group of folks in Southeast did all they 
could to stop MPS from knocking down our historically significant school 
building. The school was gone, but the Pratt Community Education Center was 
born and 
the building saved. Pratt Council struggles with all the same issues as any 
group that raises and tries to spend money on its mission; in the Council's 
case this mission is literacy and the goings on at the Pratt Community 
Center along with whatever charitable needs of the community exist that we can 
justify to ourselves given our mission and SOP for administration. We've had 
a fairly small bank balance over the years, ranging from a few thousand in the 
beginning to just under $40,000 today, about $30,000 of which is committed at 
the moment. We will probably spend the remaining balance and hopefully raise 
the difference again in the coming year to support our ongoing obligations: we 
start our annual fund drive in a few weeks (501 c 3). We provide some funding 
to other organizations activities and work closely with MPRB staff at Luxton 
as well as the Luxton Park Council, but we're hardly Jim Lupient caliber 
funding--we do our best to help hold things together when times are tough.

BM Dziedzic came to introduce the new director at Luxton Park, Eric Cherland 
(excuse the spelling, if wrong) and proposed that Pratt Council donate money 
to cover funding for a Halloween celebration at Luxton. The form and procedure 
for funding from Pratt Council was explained to Dziedzic and the Cherland; the 
latter will return to request any shortfall from the budgeted activities at 
our next meeting that otherwise would be drawn from other Luxton budget items. 
Chances are the request will be fulfilled within reason. Dziedzic mentioned a 
similar problem at Logan Park and if folks have events at their local parks 
that need funding, Pratt Council, once it approves the funding, will probably 
write their check to the Minneapolis Finance Dept. for the Luxton event; groups 
or individuals could do the same for their local events, I suppose. 

Before the meeting, Dziedzic commented on LuAnn Wilcox lawn signs in the 
neighborhood being placed by Phyllis Kahn; she did indeed distribute them, I 
think, cause I got mine from her. Dziedzic also mentioned that the DeLaSalle 
project has moved forward, but I'll let others deal with that here.

It all reminded me of my posts last June regarding the mysterious MPRB policy 
for campaigning in the parks exposed by Jason Stone's experience with MPRB 
Director Jon Gurban. I went to that month's MPRB meeting, my first and last to 
now, and had two exchanges that can only be described as confrontations. The 
first was with Gurban, a man as large or larger than me, who blocked my path to 
the meeting room to which I was directed by the office for a sign-in sheet; it 
became apparent from the conversation that he thought I was looking for the 
public speaking sign-up sheet (usually included in the same sheet for those 
attending and not speaking in public meetings I have attended). I never found 
sheet to sign and this was the first meeting a 'Monday before the meeting 
deadline' was in force for speakers to sign-up. The second confrontation was 
Dziezic who bellowed inexplicably to me about a post I wrote to the list 
regarding finding the campaign policy (it was distributed at this meeting) 
mentioning his great constituent service; this was apparently taken as sarcasm 
discussions Dziezic presumably had with other folks, and I assured him that it 
was not and the issue was civil rights, but the experience left an indelible 
impression of Dziezic on me. I am voting for LuAnn Wilcox to fill the District 
MPRB seat that Dziezic now occupies. I thank him for his superior constituent 
service and hope that he continues his community involvement should he not 
prevail, but I cannot ever vote for him again because of the belligerence I 
from him and his chosen director last spring that I revisit with every further 
Dziezic contact I experience. The only reason he has a DFL endorsement is 
because we, the delegates at the city convention left to vote on MPRB 
endorsement, voted to let a new delegate called from his home to the convention 
for the 
purpose of voting for Dziezic on the endorsement. 

We need a new MPRB and they must choose a new director. I think Minneapolis 
folks should spit their 'pips' in the trash and vote for the Minneapolis 
Citizens for Park Board Reform's endorsed candidates for MPRB. I'm not a member 
the latter group, but I agree with most all of their positions. Check them out 
at:   http://www.parkboardreform.org    ; and don't confuse them with seeds 
you spit in the garbage.

Bill Kahn
speaking for himself only from Prospect Park
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