My apologies for my poorly edited post; I've made some changes below to make 
it more consistent and even ran a spell check. And to make it even more 
redundant, I'll say it again; Peter McLaughlin.

Neil Simons writes:

"So far there have been only three responses to my
posting '[the mayor] takes the high road.'   One indicated 
a need for a remedial reading refresher in that it referred
to noncomments of mine.   What was left were rebuttals
about the Sierra Club, re: 'Also, Mayor Rybak has been 
endorsed by the Sierra Club.'   (William Kahn's posting 
refreshingly lacked sarcasm.)   I don't believe that any 
response actually took issue with the remainder of 
my posting"

Bill Kahn says a few things:

Res ipsa loquitur. Sometimes something happens or is written that requires no 
further words to explain. This would apply to some posts on lists here and 
there, perhaps a few of my own. Simons mentioned the mayor's name several times 
in attempts to color his campaign as holy, and I mentioned Peter McLaughlin's 
name several times pointing out that holy is as holy does: Peter McLaughlin 
delivers. Peter McLaughlin is a better choice than the mayor. Simons says the 
mayor will get his vote, but I will be voting for Peter McLaughlin. In case I 
did not mention the name enough: Peter McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter 
McLaughlin. In case you didn't notice, the mayor's name is not mentioned in 
post and because Simons included it in the subject line, I created a new 
thread for this post.

I will not expound on Simons's assertion that any DFL campaigns resemble 
those of Bush/Cheney; res ipsa loquitur, but I feel that I must emphasize the 
purpose of this particular response. Make of it what you will.

Peter McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter 
McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter 
McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, Peter McLaughlin, and Peter McLaughlin. Not the 
mayor; Peter McLaughlin. Make it Mayor Peter McLaughlin in a week.

Bill Kahn
waiting to vote for Peter McLaughlin next Tuesday in Prospect Park and for 
the return of substance to this list

P.S. Vote for Peter McLaughlin

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