Gemgram wrote:
"Minneapolis could slap baseball with an anti-trust action so fast it would 
make their collective billionaire heads spin."
I think this is where baseball's antitrust exemption comes in handy.
I would disagree that public ownership is the reason for the religious-like 
attention and dedication to the Pack.  Lets admit that they are better and less 
fair-weather fans...but really its the only show in town...unlike Minnesota. 
Would the sports bloggers blast the public-at-large for not splurging on a much 
needed right-handed slugger?
I too think that Rep. Kahn's proposal is a waste of time that allows that group 
to be against this particular stadium in all every manner except the complete 
impossibility of public ownership.
Without sounding like Sid Hartman too much, if you want 81 nights a year with 
35,000+ people walking the streets of downtown Minneapolis, shopping, eating 
and spending money...then you should be for a stadium for the Twins.  Call a 
special session now...Tim of Eagan.
I am for a Twins stadium because I like baseball and it overrides just about 
every political ideal or other objection I might have.  I like being able to 
walk to a light-rail station and be at the game and in my seat in about 15 
minutes.  I think its not just an invaluable asset to Minnesota, but 
particularly to Minneapolis.  It would be a devastating loss.
Anthony Thompson
season-ticket holder
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