A recent anonymous donation in my hometown in Michigan
made me think about ways those with the means can best
support the city and the schools.

An anonymous group of donors setup a fund to pay the
tuition for all high school graduates currently
enrolled in the school district from kindergarten on
for four years of higher education at any school in
the state.  Graduates who move into the district after
this year will also recieve tuition assistance based
on the percentage of grades prior to graduation spent
in the public school system.

The idea is to give all students currently enrolled
hope of access to higher education and influence other
community members to step forward to make this an
ongoing program.

How much money might it take to endow such a program
in Minneapolis?

Kalamazoo is a much smaller city, some 80,000 in the
city limites with the school district covering a
larger area including about 120,000 residents. 
Kalamazoo's economy has been relatively depressed of
late with loss of headquarters of UpJohn
Pharmaceuticals, the closing of a GM plant, and other
changes involving major employers.

David Strand
Loring Park

--- Phyllis Kahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> When we first moved here and bought our first house,
> my husband was
> appalled at how low the property taxes were and
> specifically did not
> think that they  covered having two kids in public
> school. He asked
> about making a donation and was told that the
> easiest way was not to
> claim the homestead exemption. He did that and
> somehow it got picked up
> by AP and run nationwide.  (Sort of a man bites dog
> story). We heard
> from relatives as far away as Alaska and old college
> classmates from
> everywhere.  The tone of the report was definitely
> derisive. He never
> did it again, particularly because the neighborhood
> was reassessed and
> the taxes went up and certain of our neighbors
> blamed him for that
> action!! Again to prove the old adage that no good
> deed goes
> unpunished!
> Phyllis Kahn  59B
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