
I agree that the number sounds suspicious.  Especially in relation to
messages as opposed to connections.  It suggests the app is making a new
connection for each message and not releasing them.  Have you checked for

Alternatively, what kind of logging are you using and are all the messages
in a single unit of work?

-- T.Rob

-----Original Message-----
From: Heggie, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:05 AM
Subject: JMS resource problems after 254 'connections' ?

Has anyone encountered a problem with a MQ to JMS environment, where a
synchronous transfer (request/reply) encounters a 'Resouce Exception'
after 245 reply messages are processed?

We have an MQ to PeopleSoft environment where we send messages from an
MQ application via JMS to the PeopleSoft Integration Broker, which then
sends a PS message to a PS component. When PS sends a reply back to the
PS Integration Broker, after 254 replies have been received by the
Integration Broker (and passed on to JMS & MQ), the 255th reply causes a
JMS resource exception.

The number 254 is very suspicious, but also, I would perfer eliminating
a 'limit number' altogether, rather than just raising it.

Has anyone seen something like this before?

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