
Would you settle for Perl if no MQSeries module was required?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Script parses a WMQ TMC2 tigger message and runs the application as
# specified in the process definition.  Uses unpack so that the MQSeries
# Perl module is not required.
# The command constructed from the process definition is as follows:
# $ApplId $QName $QMgrName $EnvData
# The $UserData field is not currently used.
# History
# 2004/05/04 T.Rob - New script
use strict;
$| = 1; # Turn on Autoflush

my $Testing = 1;

# Trigger Message    struct tagMQTMC2 {
my ($StrucId,      #   MQCHAR4    StrucId;      /* Structure identifier */
    $Version,      #   MQCHAR4    Version;      /* Structure version number
    $QName,        #   MQCHAR48   QName;        /* Name of triggered queue
    $ProcessName,  #   MQCHAR48   ProcessName;  /* Name of process object */
    $TriggerData,  #   MQCHAR64   TriggerData;  /* Trigger data */
    $ApplType,     #   MQCHAR4    ApplType;     /* Application type */
    $ApplId,       #   MQCHAR256  ApplId;       /* Application identifier */
    $EnvData,      #   MQCHAR128  EnvData;      /* Environment data */
    $UserData,     #   MQCHAR128  UserData;     /* User data */
    $QMgrName,     #   MQCHAR48   QMgrName;     /* Queue manager name */
    );             # };

foreach (@ARGV) {
    if (/^TMC    2/) { # Ignore all parms but TMC2 itself
       ($StrucId, $Version, $QName, $ProcessName, $TriggerData, $ApplType,
$ApplId, $EnvData, $UserData, $QMgrName,)
            = unpack("a4 a4 a48 a48 a64 a4 a256 a128 a128 a48", $_);
        $QName    =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces
        $ApplId   =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces
        $UserData =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces
        $EnvData  =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces
        $QMgrName =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces

        # Drop program name, keep any command line parms
        my @ApplArray = split(/\s+/, $ApplId);
        shift @ApplArray;
        $ApplId = join(" ", @ApplArray);

        &DumpTriggerMsg if $Testing;

        my $Exec = "$ApplId $QName $QMgrName $EnvData";
        print "$Exec\n" if $Testing;
    } else {
        print "Parm='$_'\n" if $Testing;

sub DumpTriggerMsg {
        print "\$0          = '$0\n";
        print "StrucId      = '$StrucId'\n";
        print "Version      = '$Version'\n";
        print "QName        = '$QName'\n";
        print "ProcessName  = '$ProcessName'\n";
        print "TriggerData  = '$TriggerData'\n";
        print "ApplType     = '$ApplType'\n";
        print "ApplId       = '$ApplId'\n";
        print "EnvData      = '$EnvData'\n";
        print "UserData     = '$UserData'\n";
        print "QMgrName     = '$QMgrName'\n\n";

-----Original Message-----
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Triggered sh/ksh Script

Anybody have a copy of a sh/ksh script that is triggered and handles the TM2
passed data area???????????????? I want to extract the Triggered Queue name.


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