Hi Peter,

the trick is to create the CLNTCONN channels for all of your queue managers
on just one queue manager (which is then used to create the channel table).

Let's say you have QM1, QM2 and QM3.

Each of these has a SVRCONN channel called CLIENT.TO.QM?, That is

On one of the queue managers (it doesn't matter which one) you create 3
CLNTCONN channel definitions, one for each of the SVRCONN channels, and
then export the channel table just from that one queue manager. Depending
on whether you fill in the QMGRNAME field in the CLNTCONNs, and on what you
put in that field, you will either be able to select which queue manager to
connect to, or else you can get automatic fallback between queue managers
by using generic QMGRNAME values in the MQCONN.


Neil Casey
National Australia Bank
Southern Star Technology
WebSphere MQ Support
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             "Moir, Peter"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             FAMERICA.COM>                                              To
             Sent by: MQSeries         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             List                                                       cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             n.AC.AT>                                              Subject
                                       Creating AMQCLCHL.TAB for multiple
                                       z/OS queue managers
             30/11/2004 03:30

             Please respond to
               MQSeries List
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have a number of queue managers on different z/OS systems.

We have a client program on windows that will connect to any one of these
(depending on which back-end service it wants) via MQCONN('queue_manager')

I want to provide a AMQCLCHL.TAB with connection details for all the z/OS
queue managers so that when the MQCONN call is made the channel table will
be scanned for the correct connection details for that queue manager.

I thought I might be able to create the file on one system, send to the
next and update (use the same file, DISP=MOD on the MAKECLNT utility) etc.
This seems to work in that the utility works and the file looks ok to the
naked eye, but once transferred to the PC the client can only ever "find"
the first entry.

i.e. create on QMRA - update on QMRB, a MQCONN(QMRA) works, MQCONN(QMRB)
doesn't. Create on QMRB - update on
QMRA, it works the other way round.

A trace shows;

rrxGetFirstChannelDef (rc=OK)
rrxGetNextChannelDef (rc=rrcE_NOT_FOUND)

so its not finding anything other than the first entry in the table.

Is what I'm trying to do possible?...if so how?


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