> Bobbee, you might be trying to initiate a tryst with that little 
> hottie down in shipping and receiving, and you might be mentioning 
> things like your predeliction for Crisco, alligator clamps, car 
> batteries, hot fudge and interesting latex devices, and now, some 
> fresh faced PFY developer knows all about it.  The production email 
> admins likely see that sort of thing all the time (they do, btw), 
> it's old hat, and they never say anything, and only note it down for
> future personal reference, but for the PFY, this is something new 
> and different..  You're busted. 

Kevin, it is a little disingenuous to make this argument when you 
obviously *have* been reading bobbee's emails.

-- T.Rob

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