On Saturday 22 October 2011 16.05:19 Patrick Goupell wrote:
> Martin Schreiber <mse00000@...> writes:
> > On Saturday 22 October 2011 14.57:39 Patrick Goupell wrote:
> > > Is cellinfo.color the only item that needs to be set?
> > > 
> > > example:  cellinfo.color := cl_green;
> > > 
> > > Or do I need to do more?
> > 
> > No.
> The beforedrawevent does not seem to do anything.  The background color
> never changes.
> I put a msewidgets.showmessage ('here i am') message in the event but it
> never pops up.
> So I don't know if it is working or not.
> The stringgrid is placed on a ttabpage which is placed on a ttabwidget
> which is on the main form.
> The stringgrid is filled during the ttabpage onlayout event.
Works for me, please send a simple testcase.

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