On Sunday 23 October 2011 21.11:30 Patrick Goupell wrote:
> So far I have only been able to figure out the following.
>    wgStatus.rowcount := 1;     //  add a row to the widget grid
>    dbtnStatus.caption := 'status 1';   //  set the caption (row 1)
>    wgStatus.rowcount := 2;     //  add a second row
>    dbtnStatus.caption := 'status 2';   //  set the caption (row 2)
> When the second row is created both captions now read 'status 2';
As designed. For cell drawing twidgetgrid feeds the column widget with the 
cell data.
For tdatabutton the type of the cell data is integer and selects  the used 
"imagenums", "valuecaptions" and "valuefaces".
For tstringedit the column data is of type msestring and is used as edit text 

> How do I code a pascal statement to get just a single row in the
> widgetgrid?
In order to access a cell value of a column widget use 
see definition of tdatabutton ancestor:
 tcustomintegergraphdataedit = class(ttogglegraphdataedit)
   property gridvalue[const index: integer]: integer
        read getgridvalue write setgridvalue; default;
The "value" property of a column widget is the cell value of the focused row.

What is the purpose of dbtnStatus?

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