On 12/08/2011 07:57 PM, nore...@z505.com wrote:
>> - Activate grid.options dso_autofields.
>> - Activate grid.optionsgrid og_rowinserting, og_rowdeleting,
>> og_autofirstrow and og_autoappend.
> These are the ones that I missed.. in order to make it work seamlessly.
> p.s. is it possible to make a Non GUI program by dropping database
> components onto a form (or frame) and then making queries on that database
> and outputting them to command line?
Yes, use 'File'-'New'-'Form'-'Datamodule', in uses of the main program,
list msenogui instead of msegui. An example is here:



Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of 
discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model 
of a cloud services business. Read Now!
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