It seems to be an old (and forgotten) issue :)


Now this is pretty much upsetting. But not all is lost. I tried to google  
for a way to disable the kernel from registering F12, but found instead  
the description of the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows  
NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\UserDebuggerHotKey registry key. Modifying this  
you can set the keycode (scancode) that is registered as a global hotkey  
for the debugger. By default it's value is zero (0x0), but you can set it  
to eg. 0x2F (VK_HELP) which is not present on most PC keyboards, thus you  
can free up the F12 key.  Of course a reboot is necessary after having set  
this registry key.

To the README ?

In Tashkent, very cold weather again :( And no snow. Those Siberian  

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