On 17 July 2012 06:17, Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I went to the opposite direction, a single space for indentation only.
>  -> Closing "end"'s build  a 45° line, a wrong "end" structure is visible

Looking at your code again, I now see what you mean. Though the
indentation is still to shallow for my liking. I must admit, I did get
used to your "all lower case code" style.  :)

> better visible. Important: There always must be begin-end pairs
> in "if", "case", "while", "repeat"and "for" statements so the structure

This I almost agree with. My only exception is if the block of code
following the "if" is a single line. For "case", "while", "repeat" I
also always have begin-end pairs.

> For me the worst possible indentation style is the style used in FPC RTL. In

+1        And the horrible blank lines all over the place drives me nuts!

> order to track a bug in db.pas or treader/twriter I often need to rewrite the
> involved code in my style first...

I often do the same. I have JCFgui (Jedit Code Formatter) preset with
my coding style, always close at hand.

> Amazing how different tastes can be. :-)

For sure, but in a team the same coding style really helps making code
easier to read. But when I contribute to somebody else's code, I
always keep to their coding style out of respect.

At least with TAB character indentation, there is some flexibility as
to how much indentation each developer prefers - they must just adjust
the TAB width to their liking. And with bigger indentations (greater
than 1 space), the TAB actually makes the source files slightly
smaller. I wonder if this actually has a speed improvement on parsers,
because there is slightly less code to parse. :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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