2016-04-27 14:42 GMT+02:00 Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com>:
>> 1. How tu disable showing sort indicator on not sorted columns?
>> Currently if column is not sorted then icon is grayed / disabled. I
>> would like to show indicator only on sorted column
> Remove the dco_colsort flag but then the sorting can not switched on by
> clicking on that header. Why do you dislike indication of the possibility to
> sort?

Well, I'm just porting "report like" lists from my LCL app and
comparing behaviors. In LCL (Qt,Gtk,Win), lists are sorted by clicking
on column header and never saw indicators on not sorted columns. This
is something you have to get used, no problem. User just always can
sort on all columns in my app so showing possibilities is overloaded
and showing indicator only on sorted column is little more "eye
catching" ;)

> Not supported. Is another flag necessary? ;-)

That would be handy :)

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