2016-05-30 10:15 GMT+02:00 Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com>:
> Git master 089cf862c776efe3593f5dd1191cb2b061ddbe1a has TFrame and
> TFramecomp.ColorFrameDisabled, ColorFrameMouse and ColorFrameClicked.

Thanks, that was it but there is probably typo in ColorFrameMouse
setter. It change ColorFrameActive instead of ColorFrameMouse

>> 2. Second issue. Is there equivalent for LCL TSpeedButton.Flat
>> property? So far I thought that it is fso_flat but it only disable 3d
>> effect. FrameColor is still present. I have few buttons which need to
>> have flat effect -> frame is visible only when mouse is on button or
>> click
> Please set FrameColor to cl_transparent.

Right but how to handle this from skincontroller? I mean
skincontroller doesn't know if button should be flat or not. Should I
for "flat" buttons don't use skincontroller but assign another
framecomp with FrameColor=cl_transparent?

>> 3. When you implemented fontawesome, did you saw something for font
>> frame color? I saw this in TAgg2d in fpGUI. It looks like font awesome
>> icons can have small frame with different color which get very nice
>> effect
> It probably renders the glyph outline path. FreeType2 does not support this

No problem, it is only cosmetic whish :)

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