Try to do a filter  and then  find a value outside the filter.  ( using 

    values = ( 10,20,30,40)
set filter to value > 20   values  = ( 30,40)  are  listed
try find 20    20 is listed  and the filter is off

Sample example is in mseuniverse/samples/db/dbfilterI .  I will not want to 
order you
or ask you for an immediate response.

Best Regards.

De : Martin Schreiber <>
Envoyé : mardi 18 septembre 2018 16:06
À :
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] General list for MSEide+MSEgui

On Tuesday 18 September 2018 11:47:18 mohamed hamza wrote:
> The problem is  on findvariant and when the field to search is not a
> string.
> Here what I did.
> VarVar is a variant;
> procedure tmainfo.beforeendfilteredit(const sender: tmsebufdataset;
>                const akind: filtereditkindty);
> begin
> i:=0;
> with sender do begin
> while (i<fields.count) and (fields[i].isnull) do inc(i);
> if i<fields.count then varvar:=fields[i].value;
> end;end;
-> varvar has the value of the first not null field, i holds the field number.

> procedure tmainfo.afterendfilteredit(const sender: tmsebufdataset;
>                const akind: filtereditkindty);
> var j:integer;
> begin
> if akind = fek_find then begin
> j:=0;
> if not(varisempty(varvar) ) then
> with sender do begin
> while  (j<indexlocal.count) and
> (fields[i].fieldname<>indexlocal[j].fields[0].fieldname) do inc(j);

j is the index of the first localindex where the first indexfield is the first
not null filter field.

> if  (
> j< indexlocal.count ) and
>     (not indexlocal[j].findvariant([varvar],false,true)) then
>      showmessage('*** not found ***');
> end; end; end;

What is the problem? "findvariant([varvar],false,true)" works for me as
expected. Do you have local indices for all needed fields?


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