Od: "Martin Schreiber" <mse00...@gmail.com>Do: 
mseide-msegui-talk@lists.sourceforge.net; Wysłane: 13:33 undefined 
2018-09-30Temat: Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] TPopUpMenu - checkbox frame 
margin> On Saturday 29 September 2018 19:53:03 Krzysztof wrote:
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > I'm writting from my another email subscribed to this list because my
> > previous was always reported as a SPAM. Do you remember? I wrote to 
> > directly.
> >
> Did you not get my mail? Here what I answered:
> framei_* is used in order to adjust the inner 3D frame if optionsskin 
> is not set. Please use frameo_* instead (git master 
> 5a44c62beecc418ed685654b4c4738b96f9580cd).Yes. Wrote to my provider but 
didn't get response.I see frameo_* working with tframecomp assigned to 
tskincontroller.popupmenu.frame but should it also works with 
tskincontroller.popupmenu.itemframe? Attached example 

Attachment: testpopup.7z
Description: application/7z-compressed

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