Re-hello Vasi.

And the icing on the cake: the binary of mseide for NetBSD.

NetBSD was kind, he allowed me to upload files!


Have fun!


De : vasi vasi <>
Envoyé : lundi 12 juin 2023 17:36
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui <>
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] New release?

NetBSD is in full transition to clang but it cannot give up on gcc also, so, 
there are two different linkers with different configurations and expectations. 
With resulted programs that cannot find their shared libs so is a total mess... 
Hopefully, NetBSD 10 will ease things... But not only the BSD world, Linux 
also... there are efforts towards clang...

Until then, even for C programs there are problems... Because I don't know 
other way, I had to copy-symlink all libraries from X11R7 to /usr/lib, not only 
six of them (thanks for the pointer)... I'm pretty sure there is a right way to 
do it?  A manual or something (it wasn't this mess a few years back...)

For example for lockf () function, (if I remember correctly, because I am now 
on the linux laptop) you get errors and if you look at the man manual, things 
are like in linux, but it ends up that you really must change the value of one 
parameter the way compiler suggest it... In the end, raylib 4.0 compiles and 
runs ok but the timing is wrong because of incompatibilities with the timer 
functions that are yet to be solved... A nice graphical library that we have a 
pascal translation for. At least, in OpenBSD didn't worked at all (mouse 
problems in glfw library)...  We really need some pointers from the developers 
and the porting team... Typhoon Relational Database needed also some 
interventions... Because, asking users to do what we do is a no-no... But at 
least, things are working...

Otherwise, NetBSD snappier for me than OpenBSD... Your pointers were helpful. I 
had an X11 freeze trying mseide but I switched to the console and killed the 
X... No system crash, and I activated the journaling for the file system, just 
to be sure is recoverable... It works better than in OpenBSD...

So, it seems that NetBSD requires the most work from the three of them... but I 
expect dflyBSD to be as easier as FreeBSD (if we make mouse and keyboard to 
work on X)...

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 6:18 AM vasi vasi 
<<>> wrote:
Excellent progress!
I also lost the night configuring NetBSD, setting the firewall, installing 
apps... now is up and running, just to make those X11 symlinks. Also having 
some difficulties in compiling a C library, but not mseide related...

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 12:22 AM Fred van Stappen 
<<>> wrote:
Allez, the very last for tonight.

I found the guilty of the icons and images not show and the error message of 
corrupt X11 atom.
It is the image property bmo_graymask.
And in all the mseide project all images or images list have "bmo_graymask = 
When setting bmo_graymask := false for all image and image-list the icon and 
image are ok.

By the way, I never understood that property "bmo_graymask", setting it to true 
or false dont change anything on other os.

It is a excellent news because fighting with X11 is a other story.

So, perfect, the icons and images problems are solved.
I will clean all the code, set bmo_graymask := false for eveybody and do the 
commit tonight.

Only remains the access to directory in file dialog that resists.
But not for longtime (but not for tonight).


De : Fred van Stappen <<>>
Envoyé : dimanche 11 juin 2023 21:06
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui 
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] New release?

Ooops, in previous post, the screenshot was without the run, here the good one.
In the terminal, no more cry of X11 for bad atom.

Note too that file access via the file-dialog is not yet perfect, for creating 
the project I have to write the full path + name, playing with the 
directory-icons was not ok.

So, to resume, still some work but it will be possible to terminate the combat.

De : Fred van Stappen <<>>
Envoyé : dimanche 11 juin 2023 20:53
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui 
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] New release?

OK, I created a new project directly in NetBSD using mseide-pre-alpha, with a 
button and a image on his face.
Compiled and run.
And there the button has his ico-image:
And no more cry when passing with mouse on the button about invalid atom.

Hum, hum, hum.

So could it be that the _mfm.pas gives problem and maybe oblige, for all 
imported image, to re-do-it when compiling a project in NetBSD?

Anyway I have to stop for the moment this exploration.
Yes, it is not a combat out-of-the-box, but sure we will win.


De : vasi vasi <<>>
Envoyé : dimanche 11 juin 2023 19:53
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui 
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] New release?

Yeah, we are back to gtk and its connection to xlib...

On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 8:44 PM Fred van Stappen 
<<>> wrote:
Re-hello Vasi.

OK, I found the option in xfce4 to show the icons in menu.

But, sadly, the icons in mseide-menu are still not shown.
So it seems not to be related.

De : Fred van Stappen <<>>
Envoyé : dimanche 11 juin 2023 19:03
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui 
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] New release?

Hello Vasi.

Indeed, there are no icons in xfce4 menus.
I think you get something there.

I did try to have the icons shown but did not find a option for that.

Maybe related with the not shown icons of mseide.

If you try the last commit of mseide-msegui, you should compile the mseide and 
run it.
There are 2 things that are not working (maybe more but I did not see).

  1.  The icons are not shown for menu and in the debugger form.
  2.  When you pass with the mouse on a menu with icons, there is a message in 
console from where you run mseide: "a X11 atom is not recognized".

Maybe both are related.

Sadly I have to take a break in msegui exploration this week, loooot of things 
to do.

I hope you will have luck and that you will find the guilties.
When I am more free, I will jump back into it.

For DragonFly, till now I did not find a solution to make the keyboard work in 
a Xorg session and so did not try yet msegui on DragonFly.

Good luck.


De : vasi vasi <<>>
Envoyé : dimanche 11 juin 2023 15:13
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui 
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] New release?

Fred, your xfce4 shows icons in menus?

On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 5:49 AM Fred van Stappen 
<<>> wrote:
Re-hello Vasi.

Ooops, sorry I did only read your first line, I did not see there was a follow.

About the reboots, I my case, for testing msegui, I needed lot of reboot!

This because at beginning, nothing was working and when finally the compilation 
was ok, running the ide crashed the system.
So boot needed but, because of the "su" bug (that I did not know), I could not 
login after boot and must reinstall all the system.
 And retesting the mseide binary after some change (and using the "su" with 
Xorg console) still crash, so reboot, without working login, --> reinstall the 
os, retest, recrash, reinstall, retest, recrash, ... untill I found the guitly: 
"su" in Xorg console.

Now it is ok, if I have a crash, I can reboot without the need to reinstall all 
because I use "su" in shell-terminal of the system.


De : vasi vasi <<>>
Envoyé : dimanche 11 juin 2023 01:22
À : General list for MSEide+MSEgui 
Objet : Re: [MSEide-MSEgui-talk] New release?

Actually, won't help to create a user as part of wheel group, having admin 
rights and using just sudo or doas? Can'r wait to install it... Last time, I 
did not had such problems... but it was a different computer...

Thanks for the movie, Fred.

On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 1:13 AM Sieghard via mseide-msegui-talk 
Hello Fred,

you wrote on Sat, 10 Jun 2023 17:37:44 +0000:

> Note that with NetBSD using the "su" command in a Xorg terminal will
> destroy the pam config (for login+password). And you will not be able to
> login anymore (and must reinstall all the system).

Ihat's a really _very_ bad thing...

> So for all the things you need a root access, terminate the Xorg session
> to come back to terminal-no-gui, login as normal user, then use the "su"
> command to do the things that need root access.

Does NetBSD's Xorg NOT have the LeftAlt-Ctrl-F<n> hot key function to
switch to a text mode console? Or is that just disabled by default, as
many Linux Xorg/Gooey^WGUI installations do it by now, somewhere setting
a "ServerFlags" section 'Option     "DontVTSwitch"        "true"'?

(There's a program, "chvt", that can do the switch too, but that requires
root rights to be used, so it's useless here.)

Creating a "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" file with just the contents
"Section "ServerFlags"
        Option      "DontVTSwitch"        "true"
_might_ suffice, but it may neccessary to also include a line like
'       Option      "ServerLayout" " Configured"'
for Xorg to accept it.

Be sure to scan Xorg's log file (Xorg.0.log) whether it had the intended
effect or just rose a warning or an error. Read the Xorg man page!

> Or do this after boot, before to run "startx" command.

You do not want to (re)boot a Unix for maintenance purposes only! Do you?

(Ooops, THAT was looong-winded thread!)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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