Hi all, I was just reading through Taka'aki and Forents new paper using
MSNoise, and was hoping just for a wee bit more clarification on the
MSnoise processing scheme (wasnt quite clear in the docs).

The paper says;
"We first removed the instrument response from 1-day-long waveform to
obtain ground motion in displacement. Daily displacement data were
bandpassed between 0.08 and 2.0 Hz, down-sampled into 10  Hz, and split
into 30-min-long data. Those 30-min-long data were spectral whitened in a
frequency range of 0.1–0.9  Hz and then one-bit normalized. With those
one-bit normalized data, the NCFs were computed for all possible
combinations of components. Daily NCFs were then obtained by stacking
30-min NCFs."

Q1) So just in terms of implementation in msnoise admin, the 30-min-long
duration would be controlled by "analysis_duration" correct?

Q2) If you remove the instrument response, is it always removed from a 1
day chunk, or is it removed from a chunk equal in size to
"analysis_duration"? (the docs say 1 day, but I wasnt sure if this was just
referencing the default "analysis_duration" time).

Q3) This probably isnt the intended usage, but if you used
"analysis_duration" longer than a day, would you expect things to behave?

Thanks as always!


p.s. paper;

Ashton F. Flinders, Ph.D
U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 329-5050
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