Hi all,

Reminder: We are on tomorrow - so if you would like to come, please let me know!

We have a quorum, so it's all on.



On 7/10/2016 3:19 PM, nathan wrote:

Hi folks!

After an unreasonably long hiatus, we are back! I promise we'll run this month, even if it's just me sitting in the room talking to myself.

Important note first up: With thanks to the kind folks @ NTT, we are still meeting in the NTT office in the World Trade Centre (Address Below)

So - for this month... I'm going rock your world with a look at Sonoma - the newly available 'low cost' SPARC platform. You want M7 type goodness without the M7 type pricetag? You got it!

Boyd will be equally world-rocking, with a presentation on Tmux - the logical successor to screen. (He got me hooked - be prepared to get excited if you don't already use it.)

Hopefully (I haven't asked him yet!), Richard Spindler is going to talk about some of the build automation work he has been doing across multiple platforms and OS's. He and I had a quick chat about it, and it was pretty damn interesting. Also interested to hear how he solved some of the issues he was coming across.

So - come along, talk, listen, eat pizza and drink beer (and maybe even eat Pal.). I dare you.

(Yes Gavin - I'm *still* looking (As one other observer noted: Now using my 'Gorgon Stare Mk VIII'(tm) *http://tinyurl.com/jo4sxtb *) at you and the vm2 subsystem one of these days!! heh heh.) :).

Hope to see you all there, and if you would like to present on anything in S11.3 that you have already played with, let me know, and I'll make space for you in the program!

For reference - On the list of what folks wanted to see - we collectively decided we'd like to talk about the following in the coming months: DTrace stuff (including a re-intro/primer as we have a bunch of new folks in the group), Solaris 11 (going deep into the new stuff), (eg: ipadm, dladm, tuned versus vanilla, etc), OEL/OL (Oracle Linux)... Anyone who wants to volunteer would be most welcome. :)

If you want to get someone else subscribed to this list - send them here:


Please respond in the positive OR negative ASAP so Pizza and Drinks can be planned.

               The NTT office,
                Level 7, Tower 4, World Trade Centre
                18-22 Siddeley Street, Melbourne.
Walk in the front of the building, and head to the lifts to the left past the security desk, go to level 7. There is parking available close by, though I can't speak to the price. I believe it's cheap
                off-peak parking though...

***Wednesday*** Octotober the 19th at 18:00 for general discussion and merriment.

Speakers start at 18:30 sharp, with Pizza arriving somewhere around 20:00ish.

I'm looking for Topics/Speakers for *next* month as well.

Soft drink, coffee/tea and Pizza will be available. (YES - FOOD.)

**If you plan to attend, please reply NOW to
nathan.kroen...@optusnet.com.au so that we
can plan for seating / pizza / drinks!**

To anyone who meets with or talks to folks interested in Solaris: Please
let everyone know about the meeting, the time and the date. We would
love to continue to continue to grow the group.

A note on access: The Lifts in the building and entrance to Level 5
automatically lock early in the evening, so access will be provided by
Oracle folks on-site. A sign will also be placed close to the ground
floor lifts with a contact number, should you arrive after the start of
the meeting.

If you are interested in Solaris, doing interesting things with, or on
Solaris, we want YOU!


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