This is a common mistake.
Just declare ticks as volatile.

On Tuesday 22 October 2002 20:37, Paul Burke wrote:
> I'm having a lot of trouble with the way GCC treats various objects. In
> particular, if I want to pass falgs about in my program, unless I'm very
> pernickety it optimeses them out, assuming they aren't wanted. For
> example: (ticks is incremented by an interrupt)
> void wait_ticks( unsigned int nticks)
> {
> unsigned int t;
> t = ticks;
> while( (ticks-t) < nticks)
>  ;
> }
> If I don't declare ticks as volatile, I get this:
> 000047d4 <wait_ticks>:
>     47d4:     0e 43                   clr     r14             ;
>     47d6:     0e 9f                   cmp     r15,    r14     ;
>     47d8:     fe 2b                   jnc     $-2             ;abs dst addr 
> 0x47d6
>     47da:     30 41                   ret
> which just hangs.
> Is there any way of forcing the compiler to assume everything is
> volatile? Why does it do this anyway?
> Paul Burke
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